Unleash the Unpredictable

Introducing REAX 1001, the world’s only cognitive, proprioceptive, and neurofunctional training station, designed to embrace the unpredictable. In just 4 square meters, you can embark on a transformative journey that promises to redefine your physical and mental capabilities.

Key Benefits for Users

REAX 1001 amplifies the efficiency of each exercise, thanks to the revolutionary Sudden Dynamic Impulses technology. This innovation maximizes neuro motor efficiency, delivering tangible benefits for both health and performance.

Smart Components

The system comprises a Reax Board (a smart floor), a Reax Run (a unique 3D treadmill), a multi-purpose station for functional training and storage, and an intelligent lighting system known as Reax Lights.

Enhanced Reaction Speed and Coordination

Elevate your reaction time and coordination to new heights.

Improved Performance and Motor Skills

Achieve peak performance and sharpen your motor skills.

Increased Muscle Engagement and Definition

Experience greater muscle activation and sculpt your body..

Accelerated Calorie Burn and Metabolic Activation

Torch calories and activate your metabolism like never before.

Efficient Injury Recovery and Functional Re-education

Aid in injury recovery and optimize functional re-education.

Versatile Training Combinations

Aid in injury recovery and optimize functional re-education..